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Around the World

Around the World

This annual spring event celebrates the diverse cultural heritage of the Potomac community through exhibits, food, music, and dance.

Mark Your Calendars for Around the World on Friday, April 12, 2024!

This annual spring event celebrates the diverse cultural heritage of the Potomac community through exhibits, food, music, and dance. We welcome you to experience this beloved Potomac community event.

Country and Cultural Exhibitions 

Each country and cultural exhibit displays a variety of items including: traditional artwork, clothing, costumes, periodicals, information boards, etc. that demonstrate the history and customs of the country. The exhibits are curated and coordinated by volunteers from our parent and student community. During the evening portion of the event, dive deeper into our diverse school community by sampling the international food offerings at each booth.

A Taste of the World

Woven into the evening portion of Around the World - volunteers of each country/cultural booth bring a sampling of food that represents their country.  It's a Tasting of the World - from samoas to hummus, to bubble tea - one's taste buds are delighted with spices and flavors that are unique to each country. 

Parade of Flags

One of our favorite traditions is Potomac’s own "Parade of Flags" – an opening ceremony similar to that of the Olympics – minus the torch lighting, which serves as a precursor to the cultural performances. Participants are encouraged to wear either a traditional costume or a festive item of clothing (for example, a soccer jersey or an outfit in a country's national colors). They should also bring a small handheld flag from their country.

Cultural exhibits will include representation from Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, China, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, England/UK, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, and Ukraine. 

Cultural Performances

Experience the immense talent of our school community as students perform cultural songs, dances, instrumental selections, or poetry significant to their family heritage. These performances link language, cultural practices, symbolic places and historical events. It’s an event you don’t want to miss!


Contact one of our 2024
Around the World co-chairs:

Janet Manu

Lishuang Zhang

Around the World Planning Meeting

Wednesday, February 21, 8:30 am (IS Choral Room)


April 12 Schedule of Events

Students visit booths: 9:00 am – 2:45 pm

Opening Ceremony – Parade of Flags led by Panther Spirit Committee 5:30 pm

Tour Booths and Sample foods - 5:35 pm – 6:25 pm

Performances - 6:30 pm 

Around the World

See photos from last year's Around the World and read the spring 2022 issue of The Term, detailing the history and evolution of this event.