Physical Education
The purpose of the physical education program in Middle School is to provide an environment in which each student can develop confidence in his or her physical self. A major goal of the program is to help students master a range of motor and sport specific skills that are age-appropriate in an atmosphere of trust and enjoyment. The emphasis of this program is developing individual skills, improving fitness levels, and building team concepts.
The Potomac School values healthy rivalry, and encourages spirited and fair play in class competitions. We work towards helping students develop a knowledge and appreciation of teamwork, cooperation, and compassion for others while promoting a healthy attitude toward competition and understanding how to gracefully win and lose. We encourage students to respect, and appreciate the differences among people in physical activity settings.
Through experimentation and play, students are encouraged to discover the possibilities of materials in order to develop imaginative and creative solutions to structured artistic challenges.
Health and Guidance
The Middle School Health/Guidance program is designed to heighten the awareness and understanding of children's physical, social and emotional changes.
Language Arts
Students build respect for the use of language and an appreciation for good literature. These help students hone their writing, reading, listening, and effective speaking skills
The library brings in professional authors on a regular basis who share their personal stories with our students and encourage students to try writing on their own.
Potomac uses Math in Focus (MIF), a program based on Singapore Math model. The program focuses on an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts and problem solving.
The Middle School General Music program is based on the Orff-Schulwerk approach to teaching and learning, which strives to build musicianship in every learner through the integration of singing, instrumental music, movement, speech, and drama.
Physical Education
The purpose of the physical education program in Middle School is to provide an environment in which each student can develop confidence in his or her physical self.
The Middle School science program is designed to expose students to basic concepts and to foster an appreciation of science in their lives through hands-on activities.
Social Studies
Students explore early humans, first and ancient civilizations, and the origins and basic beliefs of major world religions.
In the Middle School, the integration of technology and curriculum is highly valued; technology instruction is embedded into every subject area.
World Languages
The Middle School Spanish Language program, while working to develop language proficiency in Spanish, is primarily designed to capture the unique cognitive benefits of second language acquisition for children of this age.