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Using identity, connection, justice, and action as our guideposts.

Cultural Competence

Through a deeper understanding of historical and present cultural norms, students will be better equipped to validate and nurture the diversity within our community and feel secure in their own identities. We challenge our students to ask the big questions and be prepared to examine the answers.

View of table displays from around the world


How does identity shape a person’s experience with the world? How does diversity enrich and strengthen a community? What power and privilege do I have? What individual and collective responsibilities do we have to each other?

Students explore these topics at grade-level appropriate paces. We’ve designed a curriculum framework around cultural competence to ensure our students have the ability to work effectively across differences with curiosity, and humility without judgment.


Potomac Opens the Center for Community, Equity, and Racial Justice (CCERJ)



Students’ cultural competencies evolve throughout their time at Potomac. We start with lessons and activities that are geared to meet each student’s stage of development to enhance their listening and communication skills, empathy, and the ability to see another’s perspective. Over time, we begin to facilitate conversations around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

LOWER school

Students will develop positive social identities based on their membership in multiple groups in society and also recognize that people’s multiple identities interact and create unique and complex individuals. Ultimately, we work with students to express confidence and healthy self-esteem without denying the value and dignity of others, and to express comfort with people who are both similar to and different from them and engage respectfully with all people. Through respectful curiosity and open-mindedness, students are able to recognize stereotypes, injustice, and bias, and express empathy for others and speak up with courage. 


In these divisions, students begin to share more about themselves and their communities. They are curious about their peers' histories and are aware that different groups. and families might do things differently. Students are learning to listen carefully and without judgement, form connections with those who are outside of our community, and can recognize – and give examples of – prejudice and discrimination. Through lessons, speakers, community action days, service learning, and fellowship, Middle and Intermediate School students are aware of behaviors that can cause harm and pay attention to their own treatment of others and take action when they see injustice. 

UPPER school

Student outcomes in Upper School center around self-awareness and confidence in self, without treating or perceiving anyone else as inferior. Our goal is for students to respectfully and comfortable interact with all people and are able to build connections by showing empathy, respect, and understanding. In Upper School, students learn about the impact of unequal power relations and can explain the short- and long-term impact of unjust practices, laws, and institutions. Upper School students at Potomac are action-oriented and have led outreach, awareness, cultural exchange efforts for the school and wider communities. 

Cultural Competence is woven into our curriculum

Second Grade Visits to Assisted Living Facilities Begins

Mrs. Jackson's second grade class kicked off our series of Service Learning visits to local assisted living facilities in the community. Second graders have been learning about the needs of older adults, particularly those who need help with daily tasks in assisted living. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Jackson's class visited Chesterbrook Residences, where they took part in a chair exercise class, toured the facility, and met several residents. Ms. Morrissey's class will visit Sunrise McLean Village this week, and Ms. Potter's class will visit Culpepper Garden next week. We are grateful for the opportunity to create cross-generational connections and bring some cheer to our elder neighbors!

ASIA Club Hosts Annual Assembly

Last week, the Asian Students In America (ASIA) Club hosted their annual assembly. Student speakers discussed various facets of their experience as Asian-Americans, highlighting stereotypes and myth-busting, traditional holidays and clothing, food, and the influence of East Asian pop culture. We also heard from two students who shared their personal experiences. Maddie Woo '28 shared about her experience growing up both Korean and Chinese. Iris Zhou '27 spoke about what it means to be enough when past experiences have left her feeling both not Chinese enough and not American enough.