Courses offered within the SERC Curriculum
Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC)
The Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC) provides Upper School students an opportunity to pursue a topic of interest in science, math or engineering. Although topics may span from purely theoretical to laboratory research to the physical construction of a novel device, the underlying concept is expected to be original in nature and address a question that has not been previously answered. Ideally, the project is one that allows the student to work in partnership with an outside lab or commercial firm during the eleventh grade school year and then over the summer between eleventh and twelfth grades (possibly the summer before also).
Honors SERC 10: Integrated Chemistry and Physics (year)
This course provides students with an integrated, quantitative overview of chemistry and physics. Through problem solving, mathematical modeling, and laboratory work, the students will learn the core, critical concepts of chemistry and physics and the key features that unify the two disciplines. The central role of mathematics as a universal language of science is emphasized. Upon successful completion of the course, students in the SERC track will be prepared to take Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Physics in their future years at Potomac. This course is open only to students in the SERC program. Enrollment in Extended Algebra 2 or a more advanced math course is a co-requisite for this course. While some standard topics in chemistry and physics are “stand-alone” topics, this course integrates much of the material in the two disciplines. This multidisciplinary approach will provide SERC students with knowledge and experience in the three core areas of biology, chemistry, and physics by the end of their tenth grade year, as well as the recognition that most work in science now lies in areas that span two or more disciplines.
Honors SERC 10: Topics in Science and Engineering (year)
The overarching goal of the SERC program is for students to identify a topic in science or engineering about which they have both a deep interest and the ability to explore independently during their 11th grade year. The Topics in Science and Engineering course enables students to learn about various types of research and discoveries and then link them to fields and disciplines that made them possible. As students consider possible topics, they read current journal articles and scientific papers, some of which they also present to the class. These presentations help students develop and expand their research and communication skills and act as a stimulus for ideas about which they might form their own topic or question. Students will engage in projects that allow them to examine the steps required to properly structure an experiment or project in order to adequately test a hypothesis. In the spring semester, students will formulate a research question, conduct further literature reviews on the topic in order to write a proposal, and contact professionals in the field who might act as a mentor.
Honors SERC 11: Independent Research (year)
This course provides the students with an individualized opportunity to pursue the research question they proposed at the end of their tenth grade year. The students have a class period each day dedicated to working on their projects. Ideally, students will have both a Potomac science teacher and an outside mentor advising them during the school year. Students are expected to spend time in the summer after eleventh grade working with their outside mentor or taking part in a science research internship program. The time commitment for the summer work or internship is usually six weeks. Students and their families should understand that the summer internship is an important priority in this program, and therefore it may not be possible to pursue other lengthy summer commitments. This summer work with professional scientists is an essential and valuable component of the SERC experience.
Honors SERC 12: Documentation and Presentation (fall)
The major work of the SERC program is completed by the end of the summer between the junior and senior year. Unlike other SERC classes, this course is not scheduled into a specific class period. Faculty will work with the students at a mutually agreeable time at the beginning of the school year. This course provides an opportunity for the students to assemble and present their findings. Students will create a professional paper written in the tone, style, and format typically used within their area of study. If appropriate and if desired, the paper may be submitted to a relevant journal, submitted to a national competition, and/or provided to their outside mentor(s) (who may include it as part of a larger journal submission). In addition, students will prepare a presentation describing their work to be shared during a school assembly.