We Are Changemakers
Service Learning is about asking essential questions like "How can I be a changemaker?", "What are the needs, injustices, and inequities in our community?", and "What matters to me?". When students begin to explore the 'why' they acquire a stronger understanding of the importance of building habits of service. They evolve from questions to firm statements, such as, "I have a responsibility to know about, and address community issues."
Character defining moments are created at Potomac. Our aim is for students to recognize they have the power to make a difference, to show their civic responsibility, and to embody a generosity of spirit.
Service learning is an essential part of the Potomac School experience and integrated into the K-12 curriculum. Through grade-level initiatives, classroom projects and leadership opportunities, students in each division expand their understanding of issues in our community and take action to support people in need, steward our natural world, and work towards social change. In our schoolwide program, Service Learning helps students discover ways to use their time, talents, and interests to create positive outcomes.
What Makes Service Learning at Potomac Distinct?
Potomac School’s Service Learning program
- Digs into the 'why' behind the lack of equitable distribution of resources within communities.
- Exemplifies a K-12 approach by creating experiences for students across all grade levels and providing multiple touch points to our community partners over time, helping students develop a deeper understanding of needs in our community.
- Is integrated into the classroom experience and the Advisory program as well as interconnected with our school’s focus on developing life skills, including cultural competence, financial literacy, and real world problem solving.
- Supports Potomac’s commitment to character formation and our school’s mission to prepare students to live lives of purpose, achievement, and generosity of spirit.
Club Spotlight
Empowering Summer Learning among Local Youth
Over the last two months of school, the US Service Learning Club engaged in a project to create 120 summer learning kits for rising first through fifth grade students served by Potomac's community partner, Arlington Housing Corporation (AHC). Club leaders conceived the idea for the service project in response to the learning loss experienced by AHC youth during the pandemic. To begin, club leaders brainstormed with education staff member Laney Parrott from AHC to plan the kit contents collaboratively. They partnered with Lower School learning specialists to identify developmentally appropriate enrichment games. Each kit includes math and reading games, a summer reading bookmark, and an "inspirational message" coloring page with a handwritten note from a club member. Laney visited Potomac to meet student leaders and pick up the kits that will be used during summer camp and later gifted to provide at-home learning resources. Thank you to US students for helping empower summer learning among local youth!
How does service Learning reach every student at Potomac?
All Potomac students, from Kindergarten to grade 12, participate in foundational service learning experiences connected to four community needs: hunger, homelessness, and poverty; literacy; the elderly; and the environment. Grade-level initiatives in Kindergarten to grade 6 are led in the classroom and foundational initiatives in grades 7-12 are led in Advisory groups. Each grade-level experience connects our students with local community partners and is intended to provide a foundation for service for every student at Potomac.
Service Learning Contacts
Joy Webster
Director of K-12 Service Learning
Ellen Fitzpatrick
Upper School Service Learning Coordinator